The Attic sets a promising tone of novelty | Artlines

The Attic sets a promising tone of novelty | Artlines

The Attic, built on 5 cents of land facing north, is an architectural result of Lines, Nature & Connectivity. Due to the tropical climate in the area, proper lighting, ventilation, greenscape and shading were essential.

The Attic sets a promising tone of novelty | Artlines

One of the main concerns of the residents – Privacy – was addressed by spatially separating the private and common areas of the house and positioning them in the most suitable locations based on factors such as light & air movement.

Natural ventilation well placed openings provide ample natural north light, which is the quietest light in the area, to circulate fresh air & light throughout the home.

Open floor plans & high ceilings create an expansive & airy feeling. The interplay of light & shadow within the home creates a calming atmosphere.

The design emphasizes spaciousness with balconies & verandas offering scenic views blurring the boundaries between indoor & outdoor living.

A staircase that serves as a functional & artistic element, with greens cape underneath leads to the First floor which includes a bedroom & open office.

Fact File

Designed by: Artlines

Project Type: Residential Architecture Design

Project Name: The Attic

Location: Calicut, Kerala

Year Built: 2022

Project Size: 2400 Sq.ft

Project Cost: 35 Lakhs

Principal Architect: Thoufeeq Aslam ck

Photograph Courtesy: spiritwallstudio

Client: Ameer Ami

Firm’s Instagram Link: Artlines

Firm’s Facebook Link: Artlines

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The post The Attic sets a promising tone of novelty | Artlines appeared first on The Architects Diary.

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