The Tropical Design Offers a Beautiful Panoramic River View On One Side | Design Work Group

The Tropical Design Offers a Beautiful Panoramic River View On One Side | Design Work Group

Located near Surat, the tropical design offers a beautiful panoramic river view on one side and mango trees on the other side. When we collaborate with clients, we prioritize engaging with them from the very beginning to grasp their preferences and architectural tastes.

The Tropical Design Offers a Beautiful Panoramic River View On One Side | Design Work Group

tropical design

We always remind ourselves that every project is a collaborative effort between the designer and the user.

Our fascination for tropical architecture always made us appreciative of its beauty and significance. Planning strategies of spatial sequencing, framing of views, and controlling of light to create a variety of different atmospheres and experiences throughout the house.

tropical design

From the smaller entrance pavilion to the expansiveness of the entrance water courtyard, the visitor is focused on a quiet, more serene space dominated by trees and Nandi in the center.

The main living Room and dining room are designed as lightweight glass boxes. It sits inside what feels like a larger garden room and become one with external spaces.

tropical design

At the same time, the bedroom block is solid, with private courtyards and a river view on the other side.

tropical design

The house does not reveal all at once. The circulation is planned in such a way that the spaces slowly unfolds to the visitor in an experiential and spatial journey throughout the house.

tropical design

The materials used in the house are a mixture of rustic natural finishes such as the roughly worked stone walls, naturally finished teak, finished textured lime walls, and Indian stone on the floor. Basic minimal materials with furnishings blending in it along with artworks to keep the house casual.

tropical design

tropical design

The swimming pool is located to get the most spectacular view of sunset and river, giving the feel of an infinite edge.

tropical design

tropical design

Finding joy in designing spaces for people extends beyond creating aesthetically pleasing designs. It requires honesty, hard work, and a consideration of how the designed space interacts with its context.

tropical design

tropical design

Fact File

Designed by: Design Work Group

Project Type: Residence Architecture Design

Project Name: Nirmal Van House

Location: Kurel, Navsari, Gujarat

Year Built: 2024

Project Size: 18858 Sq.ft

Principal Architects: Jitendra Sabalpara

Team Design Credits: Dinesh Suthar, Bharat Patel, Prabhuti Sorathiya

Project Architect: Prabhuti Sorathiya

Photograph Courtesy: Vinay Panjwani

Source: Archdaily

Firm’s Website Link: Design Work Group

The Firm’s Instagram Link: Design Work Group

Firm’s Facebook Link: Design Work Group

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