
Ahmedabad (Gujarat) [India], February 1: The research team at Wellness Space has recently published a groundbreaking article in the Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research (The University of Chicago Press Journals), highlighting the crucial role of personal interviews in assessing childhood trauma...

Mr. Siddarth Sharma, Co-founder-MoneyTree Partners New Delhi (India), February 1: An interim budget, typical in election years, acts as a temporary financial plan until a new government introduces a comprehensive budget. Central to this is the ‘Vote on Account,’ approving essential expenditures. This provision prevents disruptions, ensuring...

Company can now bid for all government advertisements Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], February 1: Cressanda Railway Solutions Ltd (BSE: CRESSAN) formerly known as Cressanda Solutions Ltd., a leading private sector Railway auxiliary (concierge) service and digital media company, today announced that Central Bureau of Communication (CBC), (erstwhile DAVP), Ministry of Information...

Surat (Gujarat) [India], January 31: Mr. Agastya Sonani, Director of Sonani Jewels, expresses excitement about the upcoming interim budget for the lab-grown diamond jewellery industry in India for the year 2024. He highlights the global boom in the lab-grown diamond sector, positioning India as a...

Surat (Gujarat) [India], January 31: As we anticipate the upcoming interim budget, Navitas Solar, a leading solar manufacturing company, reflects on the significant strides made in the renewable energy sector in the past year and outlines expectations for further growth and support. In 2023, India added...