TADstories with Trupti Khatri | ThoughtProcess Design Studio

TADstories with Trupti Khatri | ThoughtProcess Design Studio

Trupti Khatri, the founder of ThoughtProcess Design Studio, shares her deep appreciation for creativity and problem solving and how it has shaped the course of her design journey.

ThoughtProcess Design Studio is an interior design studio, founded by Trupti Khatri, in Malad, Mumbai. The interior design studio prioritizes timeless principles over fleeting trends.

In the following conversation, Trupti Khatri narrates the story behind her unique way of approaching design and design projects.

What is the story of your passion for design? 

My passion for design stems from a deep appreciation for creativity and problem-solving. From a young age, I found myself drawn to the aesthetics of everyday objects, marveling at how thoughtful design could enhance functionality and evoke emotions. As I grew older, I realized the power of design to make a meaningful impact on people’s lives. Whether it’s through creating user-friendly interfaces, designing sustainable products, or crafting immersive environments, design has the ability to shape experiences and inspire positive change.

I’m fascinated by the intersection of art and technology, constantly seeking new ways to blend form and function in innovative ways. Whether it’s exploring the latest design trends or experimenting with new tools and techniques, I’m always eager to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the world of design. Ultimately, my passion for design lies in the belief that well-executed design has the power to enrich lives, foster connections, and create a more beautiful and harmonious world.

What pushed you to commence your own interior design studio?

The decision to start my own interior design studio, ThoughtProcess Design Studio, was driven by a combination of factors. Firstly, I have always been passionate about interior design and saw it as a natural extension of my creativity and skills. Secondly, I wanted the freedom to fully express my design vision and philosophy without constraints. Additionally, I noticed a gap in the market for personalized, client-focused interior design services. I wanted to create a studio that prioritized collaboration with clients, understanding their unique needs and preferences to deliver spaces that truly reflected their personality and lifestyle.

Starting my own studio also offered the opportunity to build a team of talented professionals who shared my vision and values. Together, we could offer comprehensive design services tailored to each client’s specific requirements, from concept development to project management and execution.

Ultimately, the decision to start my own interior design studio, ThoughtProcess Design Studio, was driven by a desire to pursue my passion, create meaningful design experiences, and make a positive impact on the lives of our clients through thoughtful and innovative design solutions.

Journey of Design Process.

Could you write in short about the philosophy you go with when designing a certain project?

Understanding: We believe in taking the time to truly understand our clients’ needs, preferences, and lifestyle. This involves active listening, thorough research, and open communication to ensure that every aspect of the design aligns with their vision.

Creativity: We strive to push the boundaries of creativity in every project, seeking inspiration from diverse sources and experimenting with innovative ideas. Whether it’s through unique spatial layouts, custom furniture designs, or unexpected material combinations, we aim to create spaces that are both functional and visually captivating.

Purpose: Every design decision we make is guided by a sense of purpose. We prioritize functionality, sustainability, and human-centered design principles to ensure that our spaces not only look beautiful but also enhance the lives of those who inhabit them. From maximizing natural light and optimizing flow to integrating sustainable materials and technologies, we aim to create environments that are both aesthetically pleasing and environmentally responsible.

By adhering to these principles, we aim to create design solutions that are not only visually stunning but also deeply meaningful and tailored to the unique needs of each client.

What is the inspiration behind your concept developments and design ideations?

Our concept developments and design ideations are inspired by nature, culture, art, architecture, technology, and our clients’ lifestyle and preferences.

With online platforms showcasing a variety of trends, how did you decide on your signature style amidst the ever changing trends?

We’ve defined our signature style by prioritizing timeless principles over fleeting trends. Our focus is on creating functional, aesthetically pleasing spaces that resonate with our clients, rather than chasing the latest fads.

What values do you prioritize in your life and how do they reflect in your way of work?

In both my life and work, I prioritize integrity, creativity, and empathy. Integrity guides me to uphold honesty and transparency in all interactions, ensuring trust and authenticity in my relationships with clients and colleagues. Creativity fuels my passion for innovation and problem-solving, allowing me to approach challenges with fresh perspectives and imaginative solutions. Empathy drives me to understand and connect with others on a deeper level, enabling me to create designs that truly resonate with the needs and emotions of my clients.

A Sneak Peek Into The Projects Done By ThoughtProcess Design Studio

Could you share the story of a project which has truly challenged you go beyond your conventional style of design?

One particularly memorable project pushed me beyond my conventional design style when a client expressed a desire for a space that diverged significantly from my usual aesthetic. They envisioned a home filled with bold colors, eclectic patterns, and unconventional furniture pieces, which was quite different from my typical minimalist approach. Initially, I found it challenging to reconcile their vision with my design sensibilities. However, I saw this as an opportunity for growth and creativity. I immersed myself in research, exploring various design movements and experimenting with new techniques and materials.

Throughout the project, I collaborated closely with the client, listening attentively to their ideas and preferences. We worked together to find ways to incorporate their bold vision while still maintaining a sense of cohesion and balance within the space. As the project progressed, I found myself embracing the client’s unique style and discovering a newfound appreciation for experimentation and creativity. Together, we transformed the space into a vibrant and eclectic home that truly reflected the client’s personality and lifestyle.

This project taught me the importance of flexibility and adaptability in the face of unconventional challenges. It pushed me to step outside of my comfort zone, explore new design approaches, and ultimately resulted in a rewarding and memorable experience for both myself and the client.

With the technological advancements, which is the one tool you feel is a blessing to deal with design challenges?

Without a doubt, one tool that has been a blessing for dealing with design challenges is computer-aided design (CAD) software. CAD software enables designers to create detailed and accurate digital representations of their designs, allowing for precise measurements, simulations, and iterations.

What role do you think a well designed interior space has on the users mood and workability and how do you achieve it in your designs?

A well-designed interior space plays a significant role in influencing the mood and workability of its users. It can evoke emotions, enhance productivity, and promote overall well-being.

Considering the wide range of materials available today, how do you choose the right material palette which aligns with your design language and the client aspirations?

I select the material palette by closely collaborating with clients to understand their vision and needs. Considering design language, functionality, aesthetics, and context, I choose materials that align with the project’s style and performance requirements, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing result.

Beyond Design!

Apart from designing, which are other hobbies that inspire you to keep going?

Exploring nature, reading literature, cooking, and practicing mindfulness all inspire and rejuvenate me outside of designing.

Which aspect of interior designing brings you the sense of fulfilment?

Seeing clients’ reactions when they experience the transformation of their space and knowing that I’ve improved their quality of life brings me deep fulfillment in interior designing.

Looking ahead in the future, what are some of the commitments to yourself to help you grow as an individual?

In the future, I’m committed to expanding my knowledge through continuous learning, challenging myself to step out of my comfort zone, nurturing personal connections, prioritizing my well-being, and remaining open-minded to new opportunities for growth.

Beyond professional achievements, what personal legacy do you hope reaches the masses and can make an impact on their lives?

Beyond professional success, I aspire to leave a legacy of kindness, compassion, and empowerment, encouraging others to lead fulfilling lives and make positive contributions to their communities. Especially the girls out there, wanting to start something on their own. It is never late.

The post TADstories with Trupti Khatri | ThoughtProcess Design Studio appeared first on The Architects Diary.

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