health Tag

Tomato ketchup is one of the most kid-loved foods out there. Some kids (mine!) will eat anything (including liver) with ketchup on it. Unfortunately, most store-bought versions are packed with mystery spices and high fructose corn syrup. It really is worthwhile to make your own...

My friend Lauryn Bosstick, host of The Skinny Confidential, is guest posting today! She’s an expert on skincare routines and a big fan of ice facials (the topic of her post today). Today she’s sharing her tips for glowing skin! It’s such a pleasure to...

Gardening- Cheaper than therapy and you get tomatoes! – Author Unknown There are so many benefits to gardening besides just the fresh produce. Gardeners are known to live longer and I know many elderly people who still spend hours gardening each week… in their 90s! It...

I grew up with a dad who hated both the taste and smell of onions so we didn’t eat them very often. In high school, I discovered my love of onions, but the closest we could get to having them at home was dried French...

Whether you’re a first-time mother or are expecting your third (or tenth!) sleeping when pregnant can be a challenge. Not only is it difficult to get comfortable, but other things accompanying pregnancy can make it difficult to get restful sleep. And at the back of...

It’s probably no secret by now that I’m a huge proponent of a good night’s sleep. Easier said than done if you’re a mama with little ones. Over the years I’ve fine-tuned my nightly routine to what works for me. This includes things like avoiding...

Sometimes our family eats eggs for breakfast, and sometimes we have (healthy) cake. This coconut cake recipe is a little more decadent than our breakfast cake go-to so it’s perfect for company, birthdays, and even Easter. It has a rich, golden color and it’s absolutely...

Skincare suddenly becomes more important to women once we’ve reached our thirties and forties. The products that seemed like a luxury before now seem essential for looking and feeling our best. OneSkin is a skincare company that develops products to promote skin health at the...

Sometimes after a tiring day, I like taking a nice long shower. Shower steamers are a great way to make it even more relaxing! They’re similar to bath bombs, but you use them in the shower instead. Here’s how to make shower steamers with different...

Whether you run a multilocation healthcare organization, hospital, or health system, understanding the distinction between search engine optimization (SEO) vs. search engine marketing (SEM)—and how each distinctly helps your business—is important for several reasons. This knowledge helps you: Allocate resources more efficiently. Tailor marketing initiatives to align...