Meditation Space: The Language of Silence

Transforming your meditation space into a sanctuary of tranquillity is an art. It is a deliberate curation of spaces that resonate with calm and peace. Imagine dedicating a corner or even an entire room as a haven devoted to banishing the stresses of the world. This space becomes your personal retreat, a canvas for enhancing your meditation space through thoughtful design details and soothing surroundings. As you enter this specially crafted space, let it be a transition into a mindset of tranquillity. Leave the chaos behind as you step into a realm designed to facilitate your meditation space. The aesthetics become a guide, gently nudging your mind into a state of focus and calm. In this haven, your meditation space evolves from a routine to a ritual – a sacred engagement with your inner self.

Importance of Meditation in Architecture

Project By: Spacetime Creative

Meditation significantly influences creativity in architecture. It promotes mindfulness, enhancing focus and concentration, reducing mental clutter, stress reduction, and introspection. This leads to more innovative ideas and solutions in architectural design. It encourages spatial awareness, allowing architects to understand how people will interact with their spaces for a holistic design approach, considering the interconnectedness of elements and the well-being of the inhabitants. Meditation also heightens sensitivity to aesthetics and sensory experiences, leading to a refined sense of beauty and a deeper connection to the artistic aspects of designs, improving interpersonal skills and communication, and fostering a collaborative environment in architectural teams. Thus, meditation significantly influences the creative process in architecture, leading to more authentic, harmonious, and well-rounded designs.

Importance of Meditation Space in Architecture

Project By: kaviar:collaborative

Picture it as a symphony of objects you adore, colours that evoke bliss, and cherished family photos that weave a tapestry of joyous memories. Now, envision carving out a sanctuary within this sanctuary—a meditation space, a haven for focused breathing, and a clear mind. It’s a place where the art of design meets the art of mindfulness. Through intentional choices, you can create an environment that not only complements but also enhances your meditation practice.

Consider the design as a form of meditation itself. Each element in this space plays a role in orchestrating a harmonious atmosphere. From the texture of the cushions to the soft glow of carefully chosen lighting, every detail is a note in the composition of calm. Your home transforms into more than just a place of shelter; it becomes a sanctuary where the art of design converges with the art of mindfulness, creating a space that not only reflects peace but actively cultivates it.

 5 Ways to design a meditation space

1. Whispers of Serenity

Meditation Space
Project By: NaaV Studio

Designing a quiet meditation space involves evaluating your home, assessing noise levels, considering soundproofing measures, selecting the right room, utilizing natural light, avoiding electronic devices, and adding personal touches. By carefully selecting and designing a quiet location, you create an environment conducive to inner peace and focus, enhancing the effectiveness and enjoyment of your meditation practice. Choose a room with minimal traffic, choose a quiet time of day, and ensure the space is well-ventilated.

2. Minimalist Decor

Project By: Atelier Varun Goyal

A minimalist approach emphasises simplicity and intentionality. It involves decluttering the space, selecting simple furniture, limiting decor pieces to a few essential items, and opting for clean lines and simple shapes. Empty space allows the creation of a sense of openness and calm with simple and natural lighting. Mindful arrangement of furniture and decor is crucial, with each element serving a purpose or holding personal significance, such as artwork or plants, adding a sense of tranquillity.

3. Tranquillity with Plants and Nature

Meditation Space
Project By: Craft Narrative

Incorporating plants and natural elements into your meditation space enriches the ambience, connects you with nature, and promotes tranquillity. Choose indoor plants that thrive in your conditions, strategically place them, and ensure ample natural light. Integrate natural materials and add a water feature for a calming atmosphere. Use natural scents or dried herbs for a sensory experience with an earthy colour palette, such as earth tones, greens, and blues, to complement the natural elements. Personalize your meditation space with plants and natural elements that resonate with you.

4. Flexibility that Adapts to Your Inner Flow

Project By: A Line Studio

A flexible meditation space is essential for adapting to different needs and preferences. Creating a versatile layout allows elements for easy movement, customization of the environment, and the ability to adjust to different themes or seasons. Invest in portable speakers for guided meditations or calming music, and choose decor items that can be easily changed. By interweaving these elements, your meditation space can easily transform to meet your practice’s evolving needs, ensuring a tranquil and mindful environment.

5. Harmonious Meditation Color Scheme

Meditation Space
Project By: SEZA Architects & Interior Designers

A well-designed meditation space can create a serene and calming atmosphere with a harmonious colour scheme. Soft neutrals provide a clean backdrop, earthy tones evoke a sense of connection to the environment, and calming blues and greens evoke serenity. White, as a dominant colour, creates a spacious feel and reflects light. Personal touches, such as incorporating colours that resonate with your sense of calm, also contribute to the overall tranquillity.

Examples of Meditation space in Architecture

1. Matrimandir, Auroville

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The Matrimandir, a spiritual and architectural landmark in Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India, symbolises the spiritual aspirations of its residents and serves as a place for individual and collective meditation. Designed by Roger Anger, the golden discs cover the spherical structure, reflecting the synthesis of modern architecture and spiritual significance.

Meditation Space
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The inner chamber is a serene, air-conditioned space surrounded by twelve gardens representing qualities such as humility, sincerity, gratitude, and aspiration. Access to the inner chamber is by appointment, and visitors are required to maintain complete silence in the Peace Area. Auroville’s vibrant international community embodies ideals of human unity, sustainable living, and spiritual development.

2. Lotus Temple, Delhi

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The Lotus Temple in Delhi is an architectural marvel that blends spiritual symbolism with innovative design. Taking inspiration from the lotus flower, the temple features a clustered arrangement of 27 marble-clad petals, creating a blooming lotus-like appearance. The exterior is clad in pristine white marble, reflecting purity and spirituality. The design emphasises symmetry and harmony, reflecting the principles of balance and unity. The temple is open and inclusive, welcoming people of all faiths and backgrounds. Its design incorporates natural light and ventilation, creating a connection with the surrounding environment.

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The Lotus Temple, a Baha’i House of Worship, promotes universal spirituality and serves as a quiet meditation space. Its serene surroundings and inclusive atmosphere encourage introspection and inner peace. The temple’s connection with nature, facilitated by water features and natural elements, enhances the meditative experience. Beyond its spiritual significance, the Lotus Temple has become a cultural symbol of Delhi, attracting tourists and architecture enthusiasts. It represents the intersection of art, architecture, and spirituality in India.

3. Stone Lodges, Wayanad – Earthitects

Meditation Space
Project By: Earthitects

Nestled within the lush greenery of Wayanad, a rural district in Kerala, India, Earthitects stands as a weekend retreat that advocates and inspires the concept of reverse urbanization. Earthitects seize upon this opportunity to craft habitable spaces seamlessly integrated into verdant landscapes, offering captivating vistas and fostering harmonious proximity to the habitats of diverse flora and fauna. Constructing in harmony with nature not only ensures the sustainability of a project but also has a profound impact on its designers, builders, residents, and visitors. This approach encourages a reconnection with oneself and the natural environment, invoking primal and fundamental traits and emotions in individuals.

Project By: Earthitects

Echoing the architectural language of Mountain Lodges and embracing indigenous design aesthetics, Stone Lodges are discreetly nestled within dense foliage, each meticulously crafted with distinctive elements. Every detail is thoughtfully nuanced, presenting a blend of luxury and environmental responsibility—an aesthetic that not only exudes opulence but also stands as a testament to sustainable living. These lodges are more than just structures; they are collectables that gracefully age, embodying a timeless and enduring appeal. Through projects like Estate Plavu, the Indian design and architecture studio advocates for a lifestyle that embraces nature, promoting a sustainable and immersive connection with the environment.

4. A Healing Center – Architecture & beyond

Meditation Space
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There exists a captivating symbiosis between heritage and healing, a delicate dance where the echoes of the past seamlessly intertwine with the pursuit of serenity and well-being. For Sonia Gehlot, the visionary founder and principal architect of architecture and beyond, this connection became vividly apparent when she laid eyes on an ancient heritage structure nestled in the heart of Mumbai. This architectural metamorphosis serves as a testament to the profound dialogue between heritage and healing. It is a story etched in every lovingly restored arch and rafter, a narrative that now breathes within the walls and spaces, inviting all who enter to partake in the timeless dance of rejuvenation and serenity.

Meditation Space
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With its gracefully arched windows, intricate rafters, and lofty ceilings, the space revealed itself as an ideal canvas for a healing center. The architectural narrative unfolded with a deliberate focus on minimalism, where each arch, rafter, and space spoke of a narrative rooted in time. In the end, what emerged was not just a revitalized space but a harmonious blend of antiquity and contemporary purpose. The arched windows became conduits for the dance of sunlight, and the once-silent walls echoed with a renewed sense of tranquillity.  The informal seating arrangement mirrors the establishment’s laid-back ambience, fostering an environment free from unnecessary formality.


Meditation space in Indian architecture is deeply rooted in the country’s cultural, spiritual, and holistic traditions. These spaces offer a place for individuals to connect with their inner selves, promote spiritual growth, and enhance well-being. The influence of temple architecture on the design of meditation spaces is significant, with elements like sacred geometry and symbolic representations often incorporated. They serve as an oasis of calm in urban environments, promoting mental rejuvenation. Meditation space is increasingly found in corporate offices, educational institutions, and public spaces, recognizing the importance of mental well-being. In essence, meditation space in India bridges the gap between tradition and modernity, providing sanctuaries for introspection and spiritual connection.

Content Writing And Research By: Ar. Priyanshi Shah

The post Meditation Space: The Language of Silence appeared first on The Architects Diary.